Kawasaki Robostage Total Number of Visitors hit 50,000!


Total number of visitors to “Kawasaki Robostage”, since its opening, hit the record of 50,000 on May 27th, 2018,
when a commemorative ceremony was held.

 The 50,000th visitor was Kawano family.  As commemorative gifts, plastic models of spot-welding robot, BX200L, and collaborative robot, duAro, were given to them from Manager of the showroom. He broke a big ornamental Kusudama paper ball in traditional ceremony style. He said, “I’ve always been interested in Kawasaki Robostage and wanted to come”.

Setting a main concept “human-robot coexistence and collaboration”, Kawasaki Robostage started operation on Aug. 6th 2016, as a place to propose new forms of human-robot coexistence and collaboration towards the coming robot society.  The showroom is open to the general public including visitors from foreign countries as well as the companies considering robot utilization.  Our goal is to deepen their understanding of industrial robots. We will continue to renew the exhibits to show the latest robotics technology. In this showroom, visitors can always enjoy more fascinating experiences than ever!

●Outline of Tokyo robot center showroom “Kawasaki Robostage”

Location:1F Tradepia Odaiba, 2-3-1, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Opening hours:
Tue, Wed & Fri: 13:00 – 18:00
Sat, Sun & National holidays: 10:00 – 12:00
※Closed on Mon & Thu
Admission: Free

●Click here for more information about Kawasaki Robostage⇒https://robotics.kawasaki.com/ja1/robostage/en.html

☆ Kawasaki Robostage达成来馆5万人!

Kawaski Robostage于2018年5月27日迎来第5万名来馆的游客,并且举办了纪念活动在同日举行的纪念活动中,合田所长向第5万名的来馆者,川野父子赠送了纪念品。纪念品分别是型号【BX200L】的点焊机器人和人机共存机器人【duAro】的模型。川野先生同时还提到从之前就很想来参观。

 [Kawasaki Robostage]的主要理念是“实现人与机器人的共存与协调发展”。为了即将到来的机器人社会,提出人类与机器人共存并协调发展的方案是[Kawasaki Robostage]建立时的初衷,并于8月6日在东京开馆。[Kawasaki Robostage]不仅面向有意向导入机器人的企业,同时也面向普通的参观者,提供一个能够近距离接触机器人的平台,帮助大家深入对机器人的了解。


●详情咨询:Kawasaki Robostage

地址:东京都港区台场2-3-1 Tradepia御台场1F


●有关Kawasaki Robostage更多资讯请点击⇒https://robotics.kawasaki.com/ja1/robostage/cn.html

☆Kawasaki Robostage 5만인 돌파!

[Kawasaki Robostage(가와사키 로보스테이지)]는 2018년 5월 일, 오픈이래 누적 방문자 5만명 돌파를 맞이하여 기념이벤트를 개최하였습니다.

 5만명째 방문자의 가와노님 부자였습다. 기념이벤트에서는 고다소장으로부터 기념품인 스폿용접로봇「BX200L」과 인간공존로봇「duAro」의 플라스틱 모델을 증정하고 기념구수옥을 깼다.가와노님은 [예전부터 한번 와 보고싶었다]라고 말씀하셨다.

 「Kawasaki Robostage」는 8월 6일 오다이바에「사람과 로봇의 공존의 실현」을 메인 컨셉으로 오픈된 쇼룸입니다. 이제 곧 도래할 로봇 사회에 있어, 사람과 로봇의 공존을 제안하고, 직접 보며 체험 함으로써 로봇에 대한 이해를 넓히는 공간을 목표로 하고 있습니다 .

 이후에도 전시내용을 갱신해 더욱 매력있는 쇼룸으로 성장하겠습니다. 앞으로도 기대해 주십시오.

도쿄로봇센터쇼룸「Kawasaki Robostage」개요
주소 : 도쿄도 미나토구 다이바 2-3-1 트레이드피아 오다이바 1층
전화번호 : +81-3-6457-2800

화・수・금요일 : 13시~18시
토・일・공휴일 : 10시~18시
※월・목요일은 휴관. 공휴일인 경우는 개관합니다.

□입장료 : 무료
「Kawasaki Robostage」에 관한 상세내용은 이쪽을 클릭하세요⇒
